Malala Fund
Newsroom is a portal for news and updates from Malala Fund. From speeches of Malala Yousafzai to research reports and interviews, Newsroom is the go-to destination for all resources related to Malala Fund.
The goal of the redesign was to surface news and resources related to Malala Fund and amplify their impact, which had previously felt hidden in plain sight. I wanted Newsroom to reflect the look and feel of a news site, hence the redesign featured a cleaner layout, the use of tags and an omnitool to filter by content type, country and topic, and dynamic pages to highlight different types of media.
I led a team of designers from the design firm Language Dept. and engineers from web development agency CodeZone through the entire product development lifecycle from ideation, design and development through to launch. We collaborated with the Malala Fund media and research teams and incorporated the insights they had regarding user behavior in our design sprints.

To allow users the ease and accessibility to find exactly what they were looking for, whether it's research reports or press releases, we built an omni tool where they can filter by content type, country or topic. To mirror the design of other key pages on malala.org, we replicated the asymmetric grid from the Education Champion Network profiles for the Newsroom articles.
Newsroom post page
The article page featured a cleaner layout, ample white space, multiple language selection and tags to differentiate the topic of the post.

We wanted to highlight Malala Fund's research and still maintain a user-friendly interface. To be able to go in depth, we created a slideshow so that researchers will be able to read through the reports easily on the same page without having to download or navigate to a separate PDF.